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Image by David Beale


​隨著成長  聲音變得越來越厚實

  僅此一聲  清脆可愛的童音  


西雅圖台灣兒童合唱團 (Seattle Taiwanese Children's Chorus, STC Chorus)

西雅圖台灣兒童合唱團 (Seattle Taiwanese Children's Chorus, STC Chorus) 源自指揮蘇佳音老師的想法,加上李一純、陳黃可玫的熱心幫助下,得以於2013年1月12日正式第一次練唱。





The mission of the Seattle Taiwanese Children’s Chorus (STC Chorus) is to provide a high-quality, choral music education for children of diverse backgrounds, fostering teamwork, self-discipline, accomplishment and pride while filling an important cultural need in the community and sharing the beauty of the choral art form through artistically excellent performances.


Now celebrating its 8th year, STC Chorus is the only children’s choral program in Pacific Northwest with focus on Taiwanese musical folk songs composition. Under the leadership of founding conductor and Executive Director Melody Su, STC Chorus is dedicated to providing Seattle metropolitan area young people with opportunities to study and perform choral music at the highest artistic level of excellence, in a group that reflects  the region’s ethnic and economic diversity.  


The STC Chorus is an Education program, and fulfills STC Chorus’s mission to produce exemplary performing arts programs for diverse audiences, create dynamic arts education experiences that convene students and educators, and foster informed appreciation for and involvement in the arts. The children of the chorus serve as “singing ambassadors of the Taiwanese culture arts” in North America.


西雅圖台灣基督教會 兒童詩班

Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church Children’s Chorus (STCCC)

西雅圖台灣基督教會兒童詩班,由兒童台語班的學生組成,於今年母親節獻唱給每個親愛的媽媽。兒童台語班服務大西雅圖台灣人社區及家庭的需要 ,提供優質合適的兒童台語課程,歡迎鄉親洽詢。


Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church Children’s Chorus is formed by the students of Children’s Taiwanese School. Chorus members sang this song “My mom is my most beloved” to celebrate 2021 Mother’s Day. Children’s Taiwanese School offers quality Taiwanese Language lessons to serve the greater Seattle area. If you are interested in our class, please contact us! 


Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church :


台語老師: 高巧鈴 Charlene Kao 

  • 僑委會台語教師研習營 (OCAC Educational Training Program for Teaching Taiwanese)

  • 兒童主日學校校長 (Director of Children Sunday School)

  • 兒童學前教育主修 (AS in Early Childhood Education)

音樂老師: 林桂帆  Kuei-Fan Lin


Kuei-Fan Lin received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan, and doctoral degree from The University of Arizona. She is currently the choral conductor of Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church and Seattle Emerald Singing Group.

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