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Four Seasons Chorus

四季合唱團 Four Seasons Choir

四季合唱團成立於 1989 年,於 2002 年由混聲改為女聲合唱團。本團涉獵曲目廣泛,團員們在親密友善的環境中研習音樂,不定期舉辦演唱會,並於社區慶典及活動中配合演出。歡迎新團員參加。

Established in 1989, Four Seasons Chorus has been bringing choral music from Taiwan and other parts of the world to the Pacific Northwest for over 30 years.  Originally a mixed-voice ensemble, we reorganized in 2002 as a female vocal group. We continued to explore new and diverse choral pieces while strengthening our kinship.  We enjoy producing concerts and performing at festivals and community events.  New members are welcome!

指揮 Conductor: 黃珮容 Pei-Jung Huang

伴奏 Accompanist: 陳姿蓉 Irene Chen

代理伴奏 Guest Accompanist: 葉妍君Kay Yeh

團長 Manager: 李一純 I-Chwen Lee

四季合唱團 團員 Choir Members:
黃佩容 Pei-Jung Huang

指揮 Conductor: 黃珮容 Pei-Jung Huang

出生於台北,5歲開始學習鋼琴, 畢業於國立臺北教育大學音樂系主修鋼琴、副修豎笛及聲樂,獲得碩士學位後,赴美於華盛頓大學取得鋼琴演奏博士學位。鋼琴學習師事劉瓊淑教授,Dr. Robin McCabe。於個人獨奏之外,亦時常擔任器樂、聲樂、合唱團之伴奏,同時致力於教學,目前於La Belle Music Academy教授鋼琴。曾任融融合唱團、華夏之聲合唱團、四季合唱團鋼琴伴奏,現任四季合唱團指揮。

Born in Taiwan, Pei-Jung began her piano studies at age 5. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from The National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan, and doctoral degree in piano performance from The University of Washington. She studied piano with Professor Chun-Shu Liu and Dr. Robin McCabe. Ms. Huang has given recitals as a solo pianist, in chamber music ensembles, and as an accompanist for instrumentalists and choirs. She also enjoys teaching and now teaches piano at La Belle Music Academy in Bellevue. She was the accompanist of Rong Rong Choir, Seattle Chinese Chorus and Four Seasons Chorus. She is currently the director of Four Seasons Chorus.

陳姿蓉 Irene Chen

鋼琴 Accompanist: 陳姿蓉 Irene Chen

陳姿容女士畢業於西雅圖華盛頓大學,雙修鋼琴與生化。她繼續修得鋼琴表演碩士學位及完成表爾威高中管弦樂團和合唱團實習教學,取得音樂教師的合格證書。 目前她任職於表爾威洛克威爾小學,為音樂專門教師,主持管弦樂團和合唱團。除了鋼琴獨奏演出以外,陳女士也以鋼琴配合其他樂器聯合演出,例如弦樂器、管樂器、聲樂等等,並參加地區性、全州性和全國性的比賽。 她目前是四季合唱團的伴奏。陳女士也參加室內樂團,在婚禮和其他場合中演出。

Irene Chen graduated from the University of Washington with a double degree in piano and biochemistry. She earned a Master’s degree in piano performance as well as music education teaching certification, after completing her full-time student teaching with orchestra and choir at Bellevue High School. She is currently the music specialist as well as orchestra and choir director at Rockwell Elementary School. Besides performing solo repertoire, Irene is a collaborative pianist, accompanying a range of instruments, from strings and woodwinds to vocalists, for local competitions as well as at the state and national levels. She is currently the accompanist for the Four Seasons Chorus. Irene alsoenjoys playing in chamber groups for weddings and other events.

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