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Rong Rong Choir

融融合唱團 Rong Rong Choir

融合唱團於 1976 年春天在華盛頓州 Bellevue 市成立。 融融的宗旨是聚集愛好歌唱的朋友,同以華語歌曲展喉舒懷,同溫往事,同敘鄉情,進而促成華語音樂藝術能廣傳海外,更希望以歌會友融洽相處而成為一個大家庭,故命名為「融融合唱團」。如有興趣加入融融行列者,歡迎與 Kelly Huang (425-361-3501) 聯絡或上網查詢


Rong Rong Chorus, founded in Bellevue, WA in 1976, brings together friends who love singing to express emotions through mandarin and world music, share cultural heritage, and promote the Art of Music. We foster harmony and joy among members, functioning like an extended family. Interested in joining our prestigious ensemble? Please contact Kelly Huang at 425-361-3501 or visit for more information.

 融融合唱團 團員 Choir Members:

特別介紹  Soloists:

知足 Contentment:顏芷琳 Katelyn Burtram/吳倚帆 Evan Wu

台灣的心跳聲 Heartbeat of Taiwan : 林正虎 Thomas Lin

蘇佳音 Melody Su

指揮 Conductor: 蘇佳音 Melody Su

蘇佳音 美國鋼琴演奏碩士,六歲考入林福裕老師所創立的台北基督教兒童合唱團,以團員、鋼琴獨奏、伴奏、副指揮身份隨團到歐洲、澳洲、紐西蘭、南非、新加坡、印尼、香港等國家巡迴演 出,更榮幸的為教宗、泰國、南非總理獻唱。 在台北基督教兒童合唱團不只由林福裕老師那學習到正確的歌唱技巧,更難能可貴的是領受林老師常常提醒教導的「施比受更有福」的同理心,這也是佳音所期望傳承給下一代的理念。 求學時期除了獎學金外也分別獲得多次鋼琴比賽一、二名以及鋼琴協奏曲比賽第一名且和當地管絃樂園演出。 畢業後返回溫哥華專注於鋼琴教學、樂器伴奏以及於溫哥華台灣基督長老教會、白鷺鷥婦女、少女合唱團、室內樂擔任司琴與伴奏。 

基於對合唱的愛好和傳承理念,佳音於2013 年創立了「西雅圖台灣兒童合唱團」,帶領兒童合唱團在2014~2019、2021 共7 屆的西雅圖國際兒童友誼嘉年華會 ICFF 上獻唱,也隨 ICFF 代表台灣參加2018、2019 年的西雅圖海洋節慶遊行,並且獲頒ICFF 最佳友誼獎,兒童合唱團活躍參與每年的西雅圖台灣音樂欣賞會(台美人文化月)也曾榮幸地與溫哥華聖樂團同台演出。

佳音 深感榮幸受邀於 2020、2021 台灣之星 擔任評審, 2023, 2024 全美中文學校聯合總會 線上歌唱比賽評審,現任 第一台灣基督長老教會音樂總監、也專注於鋼琴教學、更榮幸隨著林老師的步伐擔任融融合唱團的指揮 2020~ present ,希望能將所學、盡心盡力的帶領合唱團。

Melody Su began her musical studies at age 4.   She pursued her education in choral conducting and piano performance throughout her musical education.  She earned her Bachelor and Master of Music in Piano Performance from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  She also held the Royal Conservatory of Music certification in Canada.  Since her career formative years, she has received numerous accolades, including the first prize winner of Cherokee Symphony Orchestra in Piano Concerto statewide competition, multiple first prizes Western Pennsylvania Piano competition at Duquesne University, and many more.   She has performed throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa and North America with conductor Dr. Frank Lin, including performances as a singer, virtuoso soloist, accompanist and vice conductor.  She has also performed for many world dignitaries such as the Prime Minister of South Africa, Pieter Willem Botha, the Pope John Paul II, the reigning King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej and many more.   She was the member of Egret Chamber Music and the accompanist for Egret Ladies and Girls Choir in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 

Melody is currently the choir conductor for the First Taiwanese Presbyterian Church and Rong Rong choir in Seattle.  She is also the founder and the Executive director for Seattle Taiwanese Children’s Chorus and Pianoworld Studio in Seattle.

Jane Chou

伴奏 Pianist: Jane Chou

Jane Chou began her musical journey at age seven, mastering piano performance and music management at the University of Hartford's Hartt School of Music. With over 30 years of teaching experience, Jane has influenced countless students. While she is no longer a member of MTAC (Music Teacher Association of California), her past involvement remains influential. She previously served on her local church's worship team and currently works as a piano accompanist at  the Rong Rong choir, contributing her musical talents to enrich the choral experience.

Jane 從七歲起開始了她的音樂之旅,她在哈特福德大學哈特音樂學院攻讀鋼琴演奏和音樂管理。擁有超過30年的教學經驗,Jane 影響了無數學生。雖然她不再是MTAC的成員,但她過去的參與仍然具有重要影響力。她曾服務於當地教會的崇拜團隊,現在則擔任Rong Rong合唱團的伴奏,為合唱團的表演豐富了音樂體驗。

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