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榮耀人聲 & 榮耀之友 Glory Voice & Friends

我們是一群來自寶島台灣, 現居西雅圖的朋友,  對於音樂有着極度的狂熱。志同道合的我們, 成立了榮耀人聲合唱團。團員來自各行各業,而大家的目的只有一個,那就是藉着跳耀的音符及喜悅的歌聲, 帶給同樣愛好音樂的你一點愉悅, 一點共鳴, 共同感受並榮耀這個世界的真善美。

 在西雅圖有許多優秀的音樂團體,大部分的合唱團都是以傳統聲樂為主, 榮耀人聲合唱團則是以演唱通俗歌曲為主。今天我們很榮幸地邀請了幾位榮耀之友與我們一同演唱這首令人懷念的台灣歌謠組曲, 以阿卡貝拉 (A Cappella) 方式呈現 台灣流行樂創作的演進過程。

We are a group of friends originally from the beautiful island of Taiwan, now residing in Seattle. Our passion for music knows no bounds. United by our shared love for melodies and harmonies, we formed the Glory Voice Chorus. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and professions, but we all share one purpose: to bring joy and resonance to fellow music enthusiasts like you through lively notes and joyful singing. Together, we celebrate the truth and beauty of this world.

While Seattle has many outstanding Chinese music groups, mostly focus on traditional vocal music, the Glory Voice Chorus specializes in performing pop songs. Today, we are honored to invite some esteemed friends of ours to join us in singing a nostalgic Taiwanese song suite. We’ll present it in an A Cappella style, showcasing the evolution of Taiwan popular pop music in the past.

榮耀人聲 & 榮耀之友 Members:
音樂指導 Music Director

周湘瑛 Viola Chou

女高音 Soprano

陳雯菱 Wenlin Chen

蘇佳音 Melody Su

律夢蕍 Danielle Lu

次女高音 Mezzo-soprano

周湘瑛 Viola Chou

薛穎琛 Stephanie Seit

曾齡慧 Jennifer Tseng


黃淑愉 KellyHuang

林桂帆 Kuei-Fan Lin

陳姵吟 Peiyin Chen

協助指導 Assistant Director

蘇佳音 Melody Su

林桂帆 Kuei-Fan Lin

郭鎮豪 Samuel Kuo

男高音 Tenor

劉軒 Joseph Liu

黃智猷 Daniel Huang

男低音 Bass

王正忠 Paul Wang

郭鎮豪 Samuel Kuo

簡旭岳 Steve Chien

樂器 Instruments

陳姵吟 Peiyin Chen

王正忠 Paul Wang

劉軒 Joseph Liu

Special Little Guests:

簡宥琳 Angeline Chien

彭柏睿 Benjamin Peng

顏芷琳 Katelyn Burtram

曾婇甯 Celine Tseng

單宇卉 Harper Shan

梁家榮 Ethan Liang

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