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Keystone Hummingbirds Choir

Keystone Hummingbirds Choir

Keystone Hummingbirds Choir 成立於2021年九月,起初由西雅圖台灣基督教會兒童台語班的學生組成,年齡層從3歲到10歲不等,主要以推廣台語文化為出發點,學習台灣囡仔歌的聲韻與音調之美,並結合多方語言的歌曲,讓小朋友體驗各國不同的音樂風格。課程中透過肢體的律動、音樂遊戲來培養小朋友對歌唱的喜愛,讓孩子在互動的環境中建立專業的音樂基礎訓練及正確的歌唱技巧,也在每次的團體練唱和表演中,訓練小朋友的專注力、自信心、團隊合作與領導的能力。目前採線上教唱,每個月會有一次的實體練唱,歡迎有興趣的小朋友們一起來唱歌玩音樂,意者請聯絡

Keystone Hummingbirds Choir was formed in September 2021 by the students of Children’s Taiwanese School of Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church, with students’ ages ranging from 3 to 10 years old. The mission of Keystone Hummingbirds Choir is to inspire and foster children’s passion of singing by providing professional musical training and healthy vocal technique in an interactive educational environment, while promoting Taiwanese culture and the beauty of Taiwanese folk songs for children. Keystone Hummingbirds Choir empowers children to develop concentration, discipline, self-expression, teamwork, leadership, and self-confidence. We offer online courses and monthly in-person rehearsals. If you would like to experience the joy of singing, please contact Kuei-Fan at 

指導老師Music Director:林桂帆 Kuei-Fan Lin

伴奏老師 Pianist: 郭怡婷Yi-Ting Kuo

Keystone Hummingbirds Choir Members:
林桂帆 Kuei-Fan Lin

指導老師Music Director:林桂帆 Kuei-Fan Lin

林桂帆,器樂與電腦/電子音樂作曲家,喜歡探索音色的豐富性與器樂的各種延伸技巧。畢業於國立台北教育大學音樂學系及研究所,主修作曲,師事陳永明教授、曾毓忠教授。2014年取得亞利桑那大學作曲音樂藝術博士學位,師事Dr.Craig Walsh。在美期間,專研現代音樂及電腦音樂創作,其電腦音樂原創作品多次獲得國際獎項肯定,並經常入選發表於各國際性電腦音樂研討會與學術活動及音樂節,遍及亞洲、歐洲、澳洲、北美及南美。其兩首電腦音樂作品Id, Super Ego, and Ego 和Invisible Jungle亦收錄於義大利Città di Udine國際當代音樂創作比賽第八屆與第十屆決選作品CD專輯。2017來到西雅圖後,曾任融融合唱團的鋼琴伴奏。現為綠韻合唱團、西雅圖台灣基督教會聖歌隊及Keystone Hummingbirds Choir 的合唱指揮,也專注於音樂創作及鋼琴教學。近年來開始創作教會歌曲及合唱作品,其混聲合唱作品〈台灣台灣我所愛〉及〈珍惜台灣〉首演於2019西雅圖台美人傳統週台灣音樂欣賞會及2023台灣之音音樂會。〈珍惜台灣〉也於2023年12月由華岡唱友合唱團在其60周年珍惜台灣公益演唱會上台灣首演。

Kuei-Fan Lin is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music. She loves to explore a variety of timbres from extended instrumental techniques and sonic sound worlds. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan, and doctoral degree from The University of Arizona. She studied music composition with Dr. Yong-Ming Chen, Dr. Yu-Chung Tseng and Dr. Craig Walsh. Her music has been performed in numerous computer music conferences and festivals throughout Asia, Europe, Australia, North America and South America. Her pieces were the finalists and have been selected to be included in the CD of the 8th &10th International Composition Competition "Città di Udine". Kuei-Fan was the accompanist for Tucson Girls Chorus and Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus. After moving to Seattle, she had been the accompanist for the Rong Rong Chinese Folk Choir. She is currently the choral conductor of Seattle Emerald Singing Group, Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church Choir and Keystone Hummingbirds Choir. She also engages in music composition and piano teaching. She has started to compose church music and choral pieces recently. Her choral pieces, Taiwan, My Beloved and Taiwan My Treasure were premiered in 2019 and 2023 Seattle Taiwanese Heritage Week Music Appreciation Concert. In December 2023, Taiwan My Treasure was premiered in Taiwan by Hwakang Alumni Chorus in their 60th Anniversary Concert.

郭怡婷 Yi-Ting Kuo

伴奏 Pianist:郭怡婷 Yi-Ting Kuo

出生於台灣高雄,七歲開始學小提琴, 曾師事蘇顯達、陳沁紅,李俊穎、周亮君老師。國立臺灣師範大學畢業後,於密西根大學師從 Yehonatan Berick,取得小提琴演奏博士和碩士學位。14 歲時,郭怡婷首次與管弦樂團合作演出聖桑的 《前奏與隨想曲》。2007 受邀參加日本太平洋音樂節。 郭怡婷曾獲得多個比賽獎項,包括和行天宮音樂大賽和National Cantai Chamber Music  Competition首獎並受邀至紐約演出。怡婷也致力於新音樂作品的發表,與多個室內樂團首演新音樂作品。曾擔任密西根大學交響樂團和國立臺灣師範大學交響樂團首席,並多次跟隨台北愛樂巡迴歐洲。2009-2012擔任Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra的助理首席。 近期,曾參與過Seattle Modern Orchestra, Puget Sound Concert Opera, Pacifica Chamber Orchestra, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra, and Symphony Tacoma的演出。自 2019 年以來,擔任Philharmonia Northwest樂團首席。2022 年開始擔任 Keystone Hummingbirds Choir 鋼琴伴奏。


Yi-Ting Kuo was born and raised in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. At age 7, she began studying violin. She earned her Doctoral and Master's Degrees in violin performance from The University of Michigan, studying with Yehonatan Berick, and  Bachelor's Degree in Music from National Taiwan Normal University, studying with Su Xian-Da and Nanette Chen. 

At age 14, she made her solo debut with the orchestra, performing Saint-Saëns' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso with the Kaohsiung City Youth Orchestra. She has also performed Vivaldi's Four Seasons and Bach's violin concerto with orchestras, and debuted new music with numerous chamber ensembles. She was invited to attend the Pacific Music Festival in 2007.

Yi-Ting Kuo has been awarded several laureates in competition, including first prize in the National Cantai Chamber Music Competition, and the grand prize in the Shin-Tien Gong Music Competition. 

She has served as concertmaster with the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra and the National Taiwan Normal University Symphony Orchestra. She has had extensive professional orchestral experience, including , the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra, and the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, Flint Symphony Orchestra, and also served as Assistant Concertmaster with the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. 

Most recently, She has been performing with Philharmonia Northwest, Seattle Modern Orchestra, Puget Sound Concert Opera, Pacifica Chamber Orchestra, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra, and Symphony Tacoma. She has been performing as concertmaster for Philharmonia Northwest since 2019.

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