活泉合唱團 Living Stream Chorus

活泉合唱團成立於 2012 年 9 月。希望通過音樂慰藉思鄉之情,同時增進同鄉之間的情誼。主要演唱台灣作曲家的作品以及不同國家的合唱曲目。活泉合唱團網站 www.mybtpc.org 每月第一和第三個週四,早上九點半到十一點半,於西雅圖貝城台灣長老教會練習。歡迎愛唱歌的朋友一起加入!(請聯絡團長陳淑姿 206-383-1965)
Founded in September 2012, Living Stream Chorus aimed to comfort homesickness and foster friendship among fellow Taiwanese residents in the Greater Seattle-Bellevue area through music. Our focus is mainly in choral music by composers from Taiwan and other countries. We practice from 9:30 to 11:30 every other Thursday at Bellevue Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. We welcome new member singers! Webpage: www.mybtpc.org. Please contact chairperson Diana Lin at 206-383-1965.
指揮 Conductor:陳杏蓁 Rebecca Wu
伴奏 Accompanist:李信靜 Faith Lee
團長 Chairperson:陳淑姿 ShuTze Lin
四季合唱團 團員 Choir Members:

指揮 Conductor: 陳杏蓁 Rebecca Wu
生於台灣一位牧師家庭,她對音樂的接觸成為她成長過程中 最自然、最受祝福的一部分!畢業於台灣文化大學音樂系,主修聲樂、副修鋼琴。師承辛永秀教授學習聲樂,並跟杜黑教授學習指揮。來到美國後,跟隨鋼琴演奏家 Dr. Regina Yeh 學習了多年的鋼琴教學。多年來,藉由指揮各級詩班、合唱團體和音樂教學,讓她對音樂有著更深入與不同的瞭解和領受。她特別感謝家人長期的包容與配合,讓她能夠通過音樂繼續親近上帝,將上帝最美好的祝福帶給人們。曾任西雅圖台語教會、西雅圖台灣教會聖歌隊指揮,並擔任四季合唱團、銀髮族合唱團、融融合唱團指揮多年。目前從事鋼琴教學,並擔任貝城台灣長老教會聖歌隊指揮、活泉合唱團指揮。
Born into a pastor's family in Taiwan, Rebecca found musical exposure the most natural and blessed part of growing up. Inspired by her renowned masters in university years including soloist Hsin Yongshiu, conductor Du Hei and pianist Dr. Regina Yeh in the U.S.A, she applies her special understanding in directing congregational and secular choirs and in teaching. Today, Mrs. Wu is particularly grateful for her family's long-term tolerance and cooperation, allowing her to continue to approach God through music and bring the most beautiful blessings and glory of God to the people, and also to pursue her dream of "rising to a higher level."
After coming to the United States, she served as the conductor of the Seattle Formosan Christian Church and Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church Choirs, and served as the conductor of the Four Seasons Choir, the Asian Senior Concerns Foundation, and RongRong Choir for many years.
Currently, she is engaged in piano teaching and serves as the conductor of the Bellevue Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Choir and the Seattle Living Stream Chorus.

伴奏 Accompanist:李信靜 Faith Lee
Faith was born in Taiwan and grew up in a Christian family. She is a life-long Christian since her father was a pastor. Faith started music, especially piano lessons early. At age 10, Faith moved to Japan with her family due to her father’s work. Later, the family moved to the United States. Faith finished her high school and studied music at University of Texas, San Antonio. She has been giving piano lessons at home upon graduation. Faith is also active in church ministry and other choir groups outside the church.